Teaching English in Daegu, South Korea!

Archive for the ‘Sky Jump’ Category

Woobang Towa

Winter in Daegu can get very cold and lonely. Recently, I feel like I am lacking vitamin D perhaps because I have had no motivation to blog 😦 It may be because in my apartment there are no windows that shed light into my apartment!! If I want some sight of the outside world, the consequence is that it will be very cold. So with my heat cranked up and the window shining in the slightest bit of light- here I am, blogging.

A strange winter in Daegu...the snow. Everyone is freaked out haha. To me it is a pleasant surprise.

Christmas time in Daegu was so ‘christmassy.’ To a level that I am not used to. In the O’Connor household we don’t even have outside lights for our house and our tree usually goes up on Christmas eve. This year I got a fake tree…its all I could find and Jeff and I decorated it almost 3 weeks before Christmas. In downtown Daegu there were beautiful lights everywhere- more so than usual, Christmas lights! Christmas lights on the great big ol’ trees, in restaurants and lining the streets.

Christmas came and went but not without a thrill seeking attitude. My two friends from Anyang; Lana and Jake and with them they brought the excitement!! Jeff and I thought it would be cool to visit the Woobang Tower and look over the city. It was their first time in Daegu, and it was something that Jeff and I hadn’t done either! We went there with the intentions of going to the top of the tower and look at the whole city, a fun, relaxing touristy thing to do. As we were walking up the loooonnnnggggg trek to the tower we see people falling off!

“What is that?!?!?! What are they doing!!!??”

That was the Sky Jump, hell no am I doing that.

We finally make it to the tower and find out that the Sky Jump is only 20,000 won and originally it is 40,000 won. Wow! A Christmas special. There was an urge to do it if it was such a low price. I nearly crapped myself. It took a lot to just buy the ticket. I had Lana coaching me through it with encouraging words. With the sky jump ticket in hand we headed up to the 72nd or 73rd floor.

I am afraid of heights so just being in this elevator I was very scared. It didn’t help that there was a video of a previous sky jumper on the tv in the waiting room where the girl was just screaming and crying!!! Oh no, was that going to me? Am I going to go through with this?

The view was beautiful from the observatory- I thought “who needs a jump? I can see just fine!” Jeff, Lana and Jake were signing forms and beginning to get dressed while I was still fiddling with my decision to go through with it. I couldn’t be the only one not doing it- I was going to go through with it, no more being afraid!!!

1st we got suited up in bright colored uniforms equipped with loop holes for the pullies.

All suited up and ready to jump off a tower. (Photo © Lana)

2nd Decide who the order in which we will jump off this building. Jeff volunteered first, Jake second and Lana and rock, paper scissors for 3rd and 4th.

3rd Picture taking time-

All 4 of us before we began jumping!

4th. Jump. Walk to the edge of the ledge and grab onto to a pole and let your feet come off the ground. AHH, but you are still holding onto the pole. Then you hear them say…”let go.” NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Once you let go you feel a drop and then they take your picture like below-

Jeff flying.

Jake being bustled about in the wind.

Dangling in the air. Keeping it together.

Loving every second of floating in the air!

After the picture there is no warning- DROP! DOWN YOU GO!!!!!!!!! It was so nice to hit the ground and see Jeff and Jake smiling and clapping for me. Ahh, I did it : ) I am proud of all of us!!! What a great way to spend to Christmas!!


  • 123 meters high (403.6 ft)
  • Plummet for 10 seconds
  • Land in the middle of a bullseye

Woobang Tower while on a walk through Duryu Park.

Thank you to Alex who told me he noticed that I hadn’t written in a while and inspired me to get back to it already. : ) (pingbacked?- i hope so!)